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Friends of St. Dunstan's (FoSD)

The Friends of St. Dunstan’s (FoSD) is a registered charity, run and supported by  parents. FoSD's main objective is to advance the education of pupils in the school, in particular by engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils. 
Parents automatically become ‘a friend’ when their children join the school, FoSD relies solely on help and ideas from the parents and families – so every little bit of help counts.

You can go directly to the FoSD website here to find out more.

How the friends raise money

With the help of as many parents as possible, events are run during the school year. The great thing about these events is that they bring families together to enjoy activities with one another and as part of the larger school social group. The children themselves love having their parents taking part and coming to these events.

How individuals can help

Being part of the FOSD can be as much or as little time as parents feel they can give.

There are also class representatives, which are a vital role and often convey information to parents from the school and the FOSD. They harness help when necessary for events being organised.

Everyone who helps is a FOSD whatever their level of involvement.


The FOSD have a section in the monthly school newsletter to keep the parents informed of events and to let them know where the money has been spent. They also hold termly committee meetings, to which each and every parent is invited and warmly welcomed. The FOSD encourages as many parents to attend as possible, since all input benefits the school. You can contact FOSD at