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Online Safety

In the digital world that we live in, ensuring that the children know how to keep themselves safe and behave responsibly whilst online is vital and an important part of the way that we safeguard our children. We have a strong online safety curriculum that is supported by the SWGFL Project Evolve resources to ensure that our teaching is up to date in an area that evolves constantly. Whilst we want to ensure that the children are safe online, we also want them to recognise the many ways in which the online world enhances our lives.

Our online safety curriculum aims to provide the children with the skills to be responsible online citizens and to recognise the impact of their own behaviour online and what to do if they are targeted by unwanted or unpleasant contact. Our Computing Lead oversees the curriculum aspects of online safety and the DSL (who is a member of SLT) is in charge of Online Safety in terms of Safeguarding aspects and aspects not relating to the curriculum.

We are a National Online Safety school and this enables staff, governors and parents to access a wealth of training in relation to online safety according to the age of the children. We work hard to keep parents knowledge up to date through regular articles in the monthly newsletter, our school twitter account and an annual talk for parents on Online Safety.