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Parking Guidelines

Travel and Parking Guidance

Parking around most schools is at a premium at pick up and drop off times. It is very important that everyone drives and parks considerately around schools to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children and other pedestrians/cyclists. 
The guidance set out below is for the benefit of all parents/carers travelling to our school or to Young Explorers Nursery. Please therefore make sure that this information is explained and copied to anyone who is  likely to pick up or drop off your child/children, including any taxi firms you may be using.

Please show consideration to our neighbours and local residents at all times. Never park across residents’ driveways or sit in your car with your engine running.

Driving to School: Direction

There has been a voluntary One Way system in place for many years in Onslow Crescent. This means that from 8.15am – 9.00am and 2.45pm - 3.45pm all cars associated with the school need to drive in ONE DIRECTION coming in at the Woking Station end of Onslow Crescent and driving out of the Post Box end of Onslow Crescent. However convenient it may be for you to drive in the Post Box end, please be aware that you will be creating gridlock and a dangerous environment for the children and other pedestrians.

Where you can park

The school is located in Controlled Parking Zone 5.  Details of restrictions in place can be found on Surrey Council’s website

We are extremely lucky to have the use of the Church Car Park in Shaftesbury Road, which has space for 70 cars and have a School Crossing Patrol person, to help parents and children cross over Pembroke Road safely. Please leave disabled bays for those who need them.
If the car park is full, there are single yellow lines on Shaftesbury Road - please check the signs before parking, as there are restrictions in place. Voucher parking in the marked parking bays is available during that time for 1 hour if you have bought a voucher from a local shop.

The St. Dunstan’s School side of Onslow Crescent is available for parking on some of the single yellow lines until 9.30am and after 11.30am.  Additional restrictions prohibit parking opposite our school (by the Lower School gate) and the Park School from 8.00am until 11.30 am and from 2.30pm until 3.30pm.  Please check the signs on the roadside before parking, as these change from time to time.

Please do not park on the other side as it hinders the traffic flow and further parking restrictions are in place (check local roadside signs).

Where you can’t park

Other than in exceptional circumstances, there is no parking in the staff car park.

It is illegal to park on the zig-zag markings between the hours of 8.15am to 9.15am and between 2.30pm and 4pm, outside both school entrances or to drop off children in these 2 places*. These areas are marked for emergency vehicles and to help children cross the road to get into the school.

It is also illegal to park near a school entrance, so you should not park immediately to the right of the main school gate as you are facing it from Onslow Crescent. **

Double yellow lines also clearly mark out areas where you cannot park on Onslow Crescent, primarily at the main junctions.

Please do not park on the pavement or in front of residents’ driveways. This may seem obvious, but unfortunately has been a recurring problem in a minority of cases. If you are late, please take time to find a safe place to park - the school will not let your child/children leave until you arrive.

Traffic Enforcement Officers do operate at drop off and pick up times and we fully support enforcement action where cars are illegally parked.

Alternative methods of travel to School

Please do seriously consider whether you can help to reduce overall car journeys by:

  1. Walking to school – even once a week would be a significant contribution.
  1. Park and walk one minute further away than you do now.
  1. Car sharing – as with walking to school, even teaming up with another parent/parents once a week would be a significant contribution.
  1. We have a staggered arrival and departure period in the mornings and afternoons to aid the situation with parking. We ask parents to drop and go when they have handed their child over to staff at the gate in the morning and to collect and go whey the have collected their child in the afternoon. This frees up parking spaces for other parents.
  1. Scooting or cycling to school –there are bicycle and scooter stands available at the school.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation and help to ensure that we make the journey to school/nursery as safe as possible for our children and are seen in our local community to be a good neighbour.

*   Highway code 238  ** Highway code 243