Pupil Voice
Pupils at St Dunstan’s know there is a commitment from all staff to listen to the views, wishes and experiences of all children. They know it is safe to share their views and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens in school. They know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.
Staff and governors are passionate about pupil voice and recognise the importance of an effective Pupil Voice committee which represents the views of all children and supports school improvement and development.
Additionally, Pupil Voice teaches children to learn how to communicate their views and opinions effectively, to build an understanding of democracy and to recognise how to bring about change.
Pupil Voice is organised to support:
School Life – Pupil Voice
This includes the daily curriculum in the classroom, outdoor learning, sporting competitions and clubs. It also includes aspects that effect the day to day life of school e.g. health and safety, well-being, play, online safety, anti-bullying and restorative justice.
Pupil Leaders who support Pupil Voice are:
- Play Leaders
- Maths Ambassadors
- Digital Champions
- House Captains
- Eco Warriors
The Environment - Eco-School
This includes the school environment, the local community as well as the global environment.
Pupil Voice Representatives
Pupil Voice are an elected committee of pupils; a boy and a girl from each class are elected each year from Years 3 to 6 to represent the views of their class at the regular Pupil Voice meetings.
Pupil Voice representatives meet at least twice a term. Staff actively seek the views of the children. Minutes are taken and the views discussed by both staff and Governors.
Minutes with suggestions taken forward, are posted on the Pupil Voice board for children to see.