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Train to teach at St. Dunstan's

Train to teach at St Dunstan’s

Are you are thinking about training to be a teacher? There are many flexible routes into teaching and we work closely with different Initial Teacher Training (ITT) providers to offer the opportunity to train here at St Dunstan’s.

If you have a passion to make a different and embark on a new career in teaching there are a variety of routes into this exciting career:

If you do not currently have a degree, there are different degree courses available to obtain your Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).  If you already have a degree, you can either complete a:

  • Postgraduate course known as Postgraduate Certificate for Education (PGCE).  There are full or part time courses available at University which includes 2 school placements working alongside a teacher with training blocks of learning at University.
  • School based training course known as School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT).  This involves working alongside a teacher in two schools for the year whilst attending weekly training days.

We work with the following ITT providers:

St Mary’s University

South Farnham SCITT

Xavier Teach SouthEast

If you are interested in training to teach, please contact Mrs Georgina Morganti via email to register your interest.